•  IFE-FINAL-LOW%20RES_Full%20Logo%20Colour.png Welcome to the Institution of Fire Engineers SA On-line College portal.

    The Institution of Fire Engineers SA public benefit organisation provides a range of Courses in the fire practitioner organising field.

    The IFE SA On-line College Courses are all designed to facilitate learning about the "science and practice of fire extinction, fire prevention and fire engineering and all operations and expedients connected therewith".

    These Courses range from short courses on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) topics to longer courses that enable learning for entering fire protection qualification examinations run by Awarding Bodies.

    The Courses are of a distance learning nature; thus enabling learning to be done in remote locations having internet access and with the use of an electronic device such as a personal computer, tablet or smartphone, by persons who can only study at varying times, and those who simply prefer to learn independently - without physically attending a traditional classroom in a building. Some courses are of a virtual classroom nature; where facilitators present lectures, provide question & answer sessions and convene group workshops in a blended internet online method.

    The Courses include a wide range of modern learning resources, learner and facilitator interactions and assessment methods - all to help gain knowledge and understanding applicable for fire prevention, fire protection and firefighting careers.

    Login with your student credentials (top right corner of this screen) to enter the portal. If you are not a registered student, please contact the IFESA on +27 11 788 4329 or email a query to adminstaff@ife.org.za for further information about the Courses.

Available courses

This Course covers three units of study of the subject matter set out in the Institution of Fire Engineers L2 Certificate qualification syllabus. 

The qualification has been designed to enable individuals to demonstrate a wide range of entry level critical knowledge and understanding in the subjects of fire science, fire service operations and fire safety.

Success in the qualification will enable individuals to demonstrate that they canLvl2 Certificate apply their knowledge and skills to provide solutions to a range of fire-related activities. As such it is relevant as a foundational qualification for all in the fire practitioners work-place.  

This Course material is designed to help you prepare for the international examination that is set by the Institution of Fire Engineers based in England; by way of online reading material that provides information, illustrations, links to web-based learning reading and videos, tutorials and assessments - all designed to be supplementary to the reference books.

Successful completion of this Course should provide you with knowledge, understanding and confidence to enter for the International Examination. (Note this Course does not provide the International Examination nor Qualification).

This Course comprises four Units of study of the subject matter set out in the Institution of Fire Engineers L3 Certificate Syllabus. This qualification recognises the knowledge and understanding of those operating at, or preparing to operate at, the Fire Service Crew Manager level. It is also appropriate for other fire specialists such as Fire Safety Practioners.

The qualification will also meet the needs of individuals throughout the world Lvl 3 Certwishing to achieve membership of the IFE at Technician grade (TIFireE).

This Course material is designed to help you prepare for the international examination that is set by the Institution of Fire Engineers based in England; by way of online reading material that provides information, illustrations, links to web-based learning reading and videos, tutorials and assessments - all designed to be supplementary to the reference books.

Successful completion of this Course should provide you with knowledge, understanding and confidence to enter for the International Examination. (Note this Course does not provide the International Examination nor Qualification).

Example course for participation trials.

This short course covers a part of the IFE Level 3 Certificate in Fire Safety, namely the Fixed Installations module.

The syllabus is appropriate for individuals who provide fire safety advice and/or who carry out fire safety assessments/audits in commercial and industrial buildings.

It covers automatic sprinkler systems, drenchers, water spray systems, water mist systems, foam installations, hydrant systems, hose reels, and extinguishing systems not using water (gas & dry powder).

The Course will be of interest to:

  • Fire Safety/Protection Officers working in Fire and Rescue Services
  • Fire Risk Assessors
  • Fire/Safety Officers/Managers working in premises.

This Course is aimed at candidates enrolled in the IFE’s Level 3 Diploma and Level 4 Diploma exams. It will help exam candidates with 
  • distinguishing different question types so as to select the appropriate response structure
  • identifying key words in questions and critically evaluating what skill / subject matter is being tested
  • paraphrasing examination questions to show own understanding of the topic
  • planning a detailed and organised response according to the selected response structure
  • applying the correct breadth and depth of detail in responses according to the level being assessed
  • giving coherent and detailed responses
Some practising interpreting and response skills with past paper exercises are included.

This Course will be useful for persons who are required to conduct continuous hazard identification and risk assessment in a working place, to ensure a healthy and safe environment to work in.

People successfully completing this Course are able to:
• Explain the specified requirements pertaining to continuous hazard identification and risk assessment.
• Prepare for hazard identification.
• Identify hazards and assess risks.
• Initiate remedial and follow-up action.

The knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this Course contributes to social and economic transformation and the upliftment and economic growth of industrial sectors by conducting continuous hazard identification and risk assessment as part of the work processes.

This Course is intended to promote general knowledge and understanding of persons responsible for conducting continuous hazard identification and risk assessment
in industrial sectors in order to ensure knowledgeable, competent and informed workers.

Fire safety management, with regard to legislation, requires the owner of a building or the owner’s delegated person to take all steps required to ensure that the occupants of the building are safe from the effects of fire and that a fire does not spread to jeopardise the integrity and stability of the building. This outcomes-based IFE short course offers the delegates an in-depth knowledge of South African fire safety legislation and compliance with the required legislation.

This course is applicable to:

  • Fire Safety Personnel from Local Authorities
  • Insurance Risk Surveyors and Underwriters
  • Civil, Mechanical & Electrical Engineers 
  • Fire Safety Consultants
  • Building Contractors
  • Building Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Architects

This course is aimed at fire safety practitioners, who will be required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of fire risk assessment in the workplace, and the legislative requirements of specific risks. The key contents of this course include:

  • Fire Risk Assessment Methodologies

  • Flammable Gases

  • Active and Passive Fire Protection Storage

  • Fire Safety Management

  • Fire Safety Legislation

The National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act provides for the promotion of uniformity in the law relating to the erection of buildings in the areas of jurisdiction of all local authorities; for the prescribing of building standards; and for matters connected therewith.
In addition to the NBRs, Local Authorities can make By-laws. These are local laws made by a local council under an enabling power contained in a local act requiring something to be done – or not done – in a specified area. They are accompanied by some sanction or penalty for their non-observance.
Therefore, both property owners, residents and local authorities officials should ensure knowledge, understanding and compliance with the by-law requirements of the local area.
The Interpretation and Application of Local Authority By-Laws course has been specifically developed to help one work with these laws.

Many countries around the world have building regulations that require building plans to be approved by the local authority - before construction begins!

These laws require that all applications for planning permission should be done in accordance with the policies and procedure published by the country's or state's government. For example, in South Africa there are National Building Regulations that must be satisfied in respect of the design and construction of most buildings.

In terms of these laws, approval of fire safety building plans by the Local Authority's Fire Department are typically required. These Fire Safety Officers must know and understand the plan approval requirements, and applicants for plan approval must also know what is expected of them, by the local Fire Department.

This Course facilitates knowledge and understanding of best practice fire safety plan submission and approval requirements

This course is aimed at Local Authority Fire Safety Officer who have the responsibility of examining and reviewing rational fire designs in accordance with the National Building Regulations. It is also for fire engineering practitioners who wish to gain an appreciation of requirements for submitting rational fire designs to Local Authorities for approval.

Key Course content covers the National Building Regulations, Introduction to BS 7974 Code of practice for "Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings" and Overviews of BS 7974 published documents and other design approaches.

Fire Investigation, referred to as origin and case investigation, is the analysis of fire related incidents. After firefighters extinguish a fire, an investigation is often launched to determine the origin and cause of the fire or explosion. Investigations of such incidents require a systematic approach and knowledge of basic fire science. This
course is designed to assist you in determining the origin and cause of a fire.

The Fundamentals of Fire Investigation course is one of the units which make up the Certified Fire Safety Officer Development Programme.

Practical applications are the core of any credible certification programme and allows the Fire Safety Officer the opportunity to demonstrate that he or she has the requisite skills and knowledge.

The IFE SA’s Certified Fire Safety Officer Programme requires the candidate to perform a series of activities that align with the workplace performance requirements implicit in the units learned during the IFE SA’s short courses part of the Programme.

The practicals are aimed at the Fire Safety Officer who has the routine responsibility of assessing fire hazards, examining fire plans as well as inspecting and approving facilities in accordance with Regulations. It is also for fire engineering practitioners who carry out similar duties on behalf of their clients.

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In many countries, a municipal fire safety officer is a public law enforcement officer responsible for the enforcement of fire safety legislation. In South Africa, such officer is called a Peace Officer who is appointed in terms of Section 334 of the South African Criminal Procedures Act.

This Course provides training and education required for a person to be appointed as a Peace Officer in the field of municipal fire safety law enforcement.

Participation on this Course will be of benefit for all fire safety officers employed in Countries that have a legislative framework for Municipal Fire Safety similar to South Africa's.